The Phantom Strikers Anthology


Time Period: Creation!
All information on doc is subject to change.
This doc will continue to expand as needed.

• Specs
SCRAMBLE! will be:
• Digital
• 300 DPI
• A5
Merch to be decided. As of right now, we will be accepting 27 artists, 5 merch artists, and 8 writers. Number of contributors is subject to change based on quantity and quality of applications. Guests are not included in this number.

• F.A.Q.
What is a zine?A fanzine (blend of fan and magazine or -zine) is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest.

What is an anthology?
In literature, an anthology is a series of works collected into a single volume, usually with a unifying theme or subject.

What's the theme of this zine?
Our theme for this zine is capturing missing moments and stories from the Persona 5 Strikers game, while also featuring our favorite part timers, Goro Akechi and Kasumi Yoshizawa! This is a general SFW zine, with canon-typical content/violence allowed.

Will this be a for profit zine, or for charity?
Any profits made will go towards charity.

Are AUs allowed?
No; although this zine may dip its toes into canon divergence content, or may delve into content not in the original game, we will not be allowing any sort of AU that would disrupt the core story.

Is shipping allowed?
Light shipping will be allowed, yes.

Can I contribute if I am under 18?Unfortunately no, we will be asking all contributors and moderators to be 18 or older by the time application results are posted. You must be 18 years of age by December 5th to contribute.

How will contributors be compensated?All mods and contributors will be compensated with a PDF of the digital zine. If we break even, we will give all contributors and mods all merch created.

Can I apply for more than one position?
As a contributor, you can apply for multiple positions, however you will only be selected for one unless otherwise specified.

Do I need to have experience in zines to apply?Nope! No experience is required to apply for the zine, EXCEPT FOR in the case of Finance, Production, and Shipping mods (please read Mod Guidelines for more info.)

Can mods contribute as well?Of course! Mods will also need to submit an application for all contributor positions they are wanting.

Will pitches have an effect on my application?Having a pitch or not doesn't necessarily affect you being accepted. Someone without any pitches could be accepted, while someone with pitches may not be accepted. However if a tiebreaker is needed, pitches may be used to help with the process.

Creation Period
Are pitches going to be assigned?We will be giving you the chance to pitch your ideas for your piece in a separate form, and the choice to say which idea you like best! Assuming your idea isn't too similar to another person's idea, we will try to give everyone their first choice pitch! And if your idea is too similar to another's (or not what we are looking for in this zine), that's why you will have more ideas pitched to us, in order of preference :)

How long will we be able to work on our piece?We will be giving everyone about 3 months from pitch 'assignments' to complete all of their pieces. No extra time will be given on the final check-in/deadline except in extreme cases that mods agree should have extra time.

When can I post a preview of my zine piece?Starting a week before preorders have opened, contributors may start posting the preview of about 25% (or less) of their piece to help boost zine interest!

When can I post the full image of my zine piece?Once all customers have received their zines, and the zine is beginning to close out, you may post your full piece! At that point, your piece is completely yours :)

Can I use my piece in my portfolio before the zine is released?You may use your zine piece as a part of a private portfolio, if you are applying for another zine, event, or such. However we ask that your piece is not shared in a public portfolio until after contributors are given the OK to post.

Can I sell my piece as my own merch after the zine concludes?Yes! Once all sales proceedings have finished, and we are closing out the zine, your works are your own! You may use them as you please 💕

Xia | Head Mod
Hello! I'm Xia, and I am a P5 artist who is obsessed with Ann, Haru, and the Royal Trio! I've hosted community events in the past, am helping mod the Persona WLW Zine, and have recently headed the Wish Come True zine! I am excited to bring this project to life ^^

Sniper | Art Mod
Hello! I'm Sniper and I've been in Persona 5 brainrot since March. There is something I love about all the Phantom Thieves, but I especially love the Royal Trio! ^^ This is my first time being a mod, and I'm so excited to be here to learn the ropes and share this amazing experience with everyone. <33

Lumeha Ash | Formatting Mod
Hello, I'm Lumeha Ash, and I've fallen in love with Persona... this year, actually! Which is how I ended up picking up Strikers. I have been a mod in multiple zines, especially in the Fire Emblem fandom, and have formatted The Immaculate One, YGO Ladies, and Where in the World in Herlock Sholmes?

Cookie | Writing Mod
Hello fellow strikers enjoyers! I've been in the p5 fandom for a bit and have written a good amount of fic for it. Most notably, a (very long) strikers rewrite fic, but with Sumire and Goro. I'm a big fan of all the new story elements and characters Strikers brought us and I can't wait to read all the stories we create with them!

Lucy | Finance/Shipping Mod
Hi, I'm Lucy! I've been involved in fandom stuff since forever and it is one of the few things that bring me joy. I've been into the Persona series since 2012 and I have never looked back. My first cosplay was Yuko, the strength Arcana, in NYCC 2012 (which everyone confused for Female MC😅). Anyway! I have been a mod intern for the Haikyuu Girls Zine, the Eremika zine (AOT) and I am currently a shipping mod for an upcoming Danganronpa zine. I am excited to be part of this project!

Interest CheckSept 5th - Sept 20th ~
Mod AppsOct 5th - Oct 20th~
Mod Acceptance LettersOct 25th~
Contributor AppsNov 13th - Dec 3rd~
Acceptance LettersDec 10th~
Concept Check-InDec 17th~
Check In #1Jan 13th - Jan 15th~
Check in #2Feb 10th - Feb 13th~
Check in #3Mar 10th - Mar 13th~
Final DeadlineMar 27th~
Preorders OpenApril 7th~
Zine Release and Merch ShippedMay~